JHU Center for Nursing Inquiry Featured Article

Client | Sibley Memorial Hospital

New Analysis by Rogue Scholar

We are pleased to announce that an article co-authored by Rogue Scholar was a Featured Project the Johns Hopkins Center for Nursing Inquiry.

The study, led by Suzanne Dutton, DNP, RN of Sibley Memorial Hospital, assessed novice nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the health needs of LGBTQ older adults. Dutton and colleagues’ exposed new nurses in a residency program to a documentary, Gen Silent, which details LGBTQ older adult experiences. Results showed statistically significant increases in knowledge and inclusive attitudes as well as evidence that these nurses would ask pronouns, seek additional training, and partake in other behaviors that demonstrate increased inclusivity toward LBGTQ older adults.

Download the Article at Nursing Education Today

What We Did

Rogue Scholar planned the data analysis, performed data cleaning, analyzed the data, and interpreted and wrote up the results. The analysis included descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, change scores, effect size statistics and a qualitative content analysis.

This project was meaningful for several reasons. First, I’ve always had a passion for older adults due to growing up in a retiree area in Florida and being raised by my grandparents.

Additionally, this study was one of several projects on LGBTQ populations I’ve worked on. I love contributing to change and increasing awareness to this diverse, vulnerable, and resilient population.

Lastly, Dr. Dutton was my first tutoring student and Rogue Scholar would not be here if it was not for her! It makes me so proud to support her, see her grow, and contribute to her recognition as a scholar. Way to go Suzanne and team!

Contact us if you need help with your data analysis. Check out our courses to learn how to analyze data yourself. Coming Soon!


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