New Talk: Traumatic Brain Injuries & Criminalization of Survivors

Client | Women’s Justice Institute

Traumatic Brain Injuries & Criminalization of Survivors

Join Rachel Ramirez, a domestic violence advocate and Founder of The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury at The Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) and myself in a moderated discussion about the impact of brain injury among incarcerated survivors.

We will be joined by three survivors from inside of Decatur Correctional Center in Illinois who will be reading poems about domestic violence and sexual assault, including hits to the head, drugging, strangulation, other potential causes of TBI.

The talk is hosted by The Network Advocating Against Domestic Violence and Women's Justice Institute, as part of their Criminalized Survival Learning Series.

Topic: Criminalized Survival Learning Series: Traumatic Brain Injuries & Criminalization of Survivors Panel Discussion

Time: Mar 18, 2024, 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)


We are excited to be a part of this important conversation!

About the Series

The Women’s Justice Institute (WJI) & The Network invite you to a series of learning events that take a deeper dive into the issue of Criminalized Survival. Scheduled between March 12 - March 20, these two-hour sessions will include virtual panels and performances with opportunities to hear directly from currently and formerly incarcerated survivors of gender-based violence. The events will cover wide-ranging topics such as reproductive health and justice, traumatic brain injury in incarcerated survivors, recent legislation supporting decarceration, and hearing from different co-strugglers on community accountability. In the two evening performances, we will experience compelling yet powerful insights from survivors at IDOC. Join us to amplify the importance of decarceral work to eliminate systemic criminalized survival.

CEUs/ CLEs are available upon request and for a small price. Attendance and evaluation submission are mandatory to receive CEUs. After the training, you may contact The Network staff to request CEUs and understand the process. 

If you need a violence expert to speak at your conference or summit, reach out now. We offer flexible rates for nonprofits.


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